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Completed ProjectsGeneral Fire Truck

     This truck was the Cadillac of pumper trucks in its day.  Manufactured on Forest Park Avenue, St. Louis Missouri, as part of the General Company's Monarch line.  The Truck began its service in September of 1932 at Kirkwood's Fire House No. 2, In West St. Louis County, Missouri. 

     In 2002, the General was found in very poor condition on farm in Illinois where it was stored outside.  It has since undergone an intensive restoration.  Below are images of how we found the truck, the entire restoration of the truck, and the latest images of the newly restored truck.

     The General Monarch Pumper is powered by a heavy duty, low speed 200 H.P. motor and equipped with automatic pump throw-out clutch, noiseless transmission, built-in winter-front shutters, and silent pump and exhaust.  All of these exclusive features are found only in the magnificent General Monarch Fire Truck.

     Here you can read two different articles on the Kirkwood Fire Department and the history behind it.  The first article is from stltoday.com featuring this fire truck, click here to read it.  The second article is from the Webster-Kirkwood Times giving a history of the Kirkwood Fire Department, click here to read it.

New!  The General Fire Truck restoration is now complete and the truck is back in St. Louis.  Click here to check out the fire apparatus muster the General recently attended while in Pennsylvania.

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