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Completed ProjectsClayton Cycle Neon Sign

Watch as volunteer restoration specialist Cal Weldele restores this neon sign to better than new condition. 

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First the sign is completely dismantled so all of the rust can be removed and any repairs can be made to the main structure of the body.


Next all of the rusty pieces of the sign are sandblasted.


Then all of the parts are primed and sanded several times until a smooth surface is achieved.


More sanding, and an inside view of the main body of the sign after a first coat of paint.


The "CLAYTON" letters of the sign have be painted, and then clear coated.


The sign has been assembled, as we wait for neon.
All of the wiring is hooked up, and the neon is ready to be put on the sign.
Cal begins to hang the neon tubes on the sign.
 As all of the letters have been added, the sign is now complete.

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