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April 2008

     Welcome Spring!  This month at the Antique Warehouse check out our new Featured Item, The Spirit of '76.  Also, view our Inside St. Louis featured restaurant, Crown Candy and then stop by to taste why its so great.  Be sure to check out all of the updates on the Popcorn Wagon, see the recent acquisition trip to Indy, view our recent acquisitions and visit our featured link.  All of this and more only at antiquewhs.com.

     And don't forget, we are always looking for interesting and unusual items, especially porcelain neon signs or anything made or used in St. Louis.  If you have any information please contact us.

     Helpful Hint For Navigating Our Site: Most of our picture pages have Previous, Index and Next buttons on them, allowing you to step back a picture, see the thumbnails of all of the pictures, or move to the next picture.  Also, on the new image galleries you can click on the image itself or the next button to view the next picture.


If you have any comments or suggestions please reply here


  Featured Item     Inside St. Louis  

Check out The Spirit of '76, a special edition miniature powered car fashioned after a 1910 Ford Model T, also known  as  an  Old  Tin  Lizze.



Since 1913 Crown Candy, has been the cure for the common sweet tooth, with great treats like chocolate candy, ice cream    sundaes    and   malts.


  Restoration Department     Acquisition Team  

This month many cosmetic additions has brought the popcorn wagon closer to completion such as these decorative painted pin stripes.



Greg Rhomberg traveled to Indiana for the Indy Advertising Show.  View a few images from the show by clicking  on  the  image  above.


  Recent Acquisitions     Upcoming Event  

View a few of our most recent acquisitions like this unique Tobin salesman sample which displays the various colors available    for     neon     tubes.



Ride the Antique Warehouse Grant's Farm Tram at the Fourth Annual Budrovich & Fabick Meet the Machines event    on    April   28,    2008.



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