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Saint Louis Italians The Hill And Beyond Book


aw item number:  2009.032
author:  Eleanore Berra Marfisi
publisher:  G. Bradley Publishing Company, St. Louis, Missouri
ISBN:  978-0-9774512-6-5

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number of pages:  216
date published:  2008 size:  10.25"L x 9.25"H x .875"W
status:  Library edition:  First, hardbound with dust jacket
description:  Saint Louis Italians The Hill And Beyond, a high quality, colorful, 216 page, hardbound book by local author Eleanore Berra Marfisi with foreword by Monsignor Polizzi. Marfisi provides an in depth look some of St. Louis' greatest Italian restaurants, their owners and their recipes; all though creative writing and diligent gathering of stories, photographs and closely held family recipes.

information:  An insider’s look at St. Louis Italians and their community "The Hill". A history lesson of notable Italians and the impact they made on the world, the United States and St. Louis, Missouri. An emphasis is placed on the defining role they played in the culinary world.


