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Wacky Packages 1991 Series

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aw item number:  wp-box
manufacturer:  The Topps Company, Inc., Duryea, PA
model:  Wacky Packages 1991
number of packages:  40

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size:   5.5"L x 1.5"H x 7.25"W

acquisition date:  2/21/1996

status:  Collection

description:  A complete box of unopened Wacky Packages stickers from the 1991 series.

information:  According to wackypackages.org, "There are 55 titles, with 15 variations, making for a true count of 70 stickers.  This was the second attempt to revive Wackys without Norm Saunders, the first being in 1985. This series was overseen by Mark Newgarden, with 14 of the final paintings being done by John Pound."

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