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Wacky Packages 2004 Series

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aw item number:  wp2004
manufacturer:  The Topps Company, Inc., Duryea, PA
model:  Wacky Packages 2004 series
number of packs:  24

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size:  5.375"L x 1.25"H x 4.75"W

acquisition date:  1/1/2004

status:  Collection

description:  A complete unopened box full of Wacky Packages trading cards.  This series contained a total of 55 different stickers, 2 bonus cards, 9 static clings, and 10 tattoos.

information:  According to wackypackages.org, "This series was released May 17th of 2004, it is Topps first dabble in Wacky's since 1991."  Each pack contains 6 parody stickers. 

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