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4th Class Relic - Blessed by the Pope

by Wm. "Bill" Christman

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aw item:  pope
artist:  Wm. "Bill" Christman
number:  unknown
made:  February, 1999

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size:  5.5" L x 4.875" H x .375" W
color:  Yellow, Red, White, Blue and Orange composition:  Plastic, paper, and felt
acquisition date:  2/1/1999

status:  Collection

description:  This practical joke artwork is a CD case with a printed insert explaining what is inside.  Upon opening the CD, the joke is realized that the "4th class relic" (something blessed by the pope) is but a mere orange piece of plastic fence, which lined the streets of St. Louis for crowd control when the pope drove by in his "pope-mobile" blessing everything that was in his path.

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