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Five Star Final Bagatelle

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aw item number:  n/a
manufacturer:  n/a
serial number:  n/a
model:  Five Star Final

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size:  17”L x 8”H x 34”D
composition:  Wood, glass and metal weight:  39 lbs.
color:  Brown, Blue, Gold, Red, White, and Black status:  Collection

description:  "Five Star" bagatelle bar top game, with right side launcher.  This coin operated game featuring the standard bagatelle style playing field with several holes each worth a different amount of points.  This field did offer a unique idea with almost two playing fields.  Two circular areas, where, depending on the amount of launching pressure, the ball could be deployed into the top play field or the lower field.

information:  This style game was popular in many bars and eventually this concept led to the development of a modern day pinball machine.

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