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GoldCoast Bagatelle

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aw item number:  n/a
manufacturer:  J.P. Seeburg Corp., Chicago, IL
serial number:  1412
model:  Gold Coast

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size:  21.5”L x 11.5”H x 44.5”D
composition:  Wood, glass and metal weight:  62 lbs.
color:  Brown, Gold, Black, Yellow, Red, Orange, Green, Blue, White, and Purple status:  Collection

description:  "GoldCoast" bagatelle bar top game, with right side launcher.  This coin operated game featuring the standard bagatelle style playing field with several holes each worth a different amount of points.  After achieving the certain hole, the ball would roll down under the field to a viewable score box at the bottom of the game.

information:  This style game was popular in many bars and eventually this concept led to the development of a modern day pinball machine.

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