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 October 2004 Featured Item

 McCormick-Deering O4 Orchard Tractor

For the Fruit Grower

McCormick Deering O4 Orachard Tractor


Click here for more information and images of our O4

McCormick Deering O4 Orachard Tractor LogoMcCormick Deering O4 Orachard Tractor Sales Broucher

Click here for more information on the 1945 O4 sales brochure

McCormick Deering O4 Orachard Tractor Broucher

The sales brochure states:

Streamlined?  And how!  Not a "fruit picker" in a trainload.  Low-hanging branches glide over and around them like water on a duck's back.  The most striking feature of these tractors is their sleek streamlined exterior.  Unlike most tractors, these Orchard and Grove models have no projections and no crevices to catch branches and tear fruit off when run close to trees.

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