

     On November 9, 10 & 11, 2005, our Acquisition Team journeyed to Chicago for the annual Coin-Op Dealers Show at the Kane County Fair Grounds and the Chicagoland Antique Advertising, Slot-Machine & Jukebox Show in St. Charles Illinois, in search of a few new acquisitions. 

     The first stop on Wednesday the 9th, was the Coin-Op Dealers Show at the Kane County Fair Grounds.  There were a couple of dozen vendors and a few buyers, but there was little to choose from.  Thursday was the big day at this show, with many more vendors and buyers.   Although there were quite a few vendors the show lacked what it once did.

     It has been said that the glory days of these types of shows have gone by the wayside due to the EBAY revolution.  But to the contrary, this years Chicagoland show proved that statement to be wrong.  Hundreds of vendors and buyers were at the show with many different types of items.  Around every turn was something new and interesting.  There were many items that even the most experienced antique seeker has never seen before.  This is what keeps these types of shows alive. 

     Friday the 11th was dealer setup day at the Chicagoland Show.  On Thursday  all of the vendors show up and find a spot in the large parking lot in front of the exhibit hall.  Very early Friday morning the vendors begin unloading the items they have brought.  It has been said that as early as 3:00 AM buyers are searching the lot with their flashlights for that perfect item for their collection.  Many sales are made before the sun even rises.  At about 9 o'clock the selling and trading starts too die down so vendors begin moving their items into the exhibit halls.  Some vendors don't even bother doing this because they make all of their sales outside on the parking lot on Friday morning. 

     Over the three days the Acquisition Team was in Chicago, along with attending the two antique shows, they visited a few homes of other collectors to view their collections.  Click here to view a few of the images from these homes.

     The Chicagoland Antique Advertising, Slot-Machine & Jukebox Show website can be found at www.chicagolandshow.com.

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