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     Many St. Louisians know about the caves under the city of St. Louis, but few know much about them, and even fewer have ever explored these vast caverns.  However, two St. Louisians, Hubert & Charlotte Rother, authors of this book, have been inside and explored these caves before they were sealed off back in the 1960's. 

     Lost Caves of St. Louis, tells the story of these forgotten caves and the history behind them, giving detailed descriptions of the many caves beneath the streets and sidewalks of our city.  The Rother's have included several maps showing exactly where these caves hide and they have even given detailed maps of the interiors of the caves themselves.

     After reading this book and walking or driving the streets of St. Louis, you will know exactly where the caves are and if you happen to be right over one.  Our good friend Johnny Rabbitt has even visited some of these wondrous caverns and he has written the forward for this book, calling the caves, "a true 'cavernopolis' resting no more that a few feet beneath the sidewalk's surface." 

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