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Lost Caves of St. Louis

 A History of the City's Forgotten Caves



  aw item number:  1996.022
  author:  Hubert & Charlotte Rother
  publisher:  Virginia Publishing Co. St. Louis, Missouri
  ISBN:  0-9631448-7-1

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size:  5.5"L x 8.5"H x .25"W
copyright:  1996
number of pages:  143   edition:  softbound
acquisition date:  1/1/1996


status:  Library

description:  A descriptive book telling stories and giving a history of the caves that are beneath the streets of St. Louis.  With maps and historic images, as well as a forward by Johnny Rabbitt.

information:  "Beneath the Streets and buildings of St. Louis lie forgotten caves that once harbored native Americans, mushroom growers, beer makers and even a group of turn-of-the-century "tramps."  In the early 1960s, brewery worker Hurbert Rother and his wife Charlotte explored many of the city's caves before they were sealed.  Combining personal recollections and historical research, Lost Caves of St. Louis provides a fascinating missing chapter in the city's history."  From the back cover


