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     Making Friends is our Business, 100 Years of Anheuser-Busch.  This book, written by Roland Krebs in collaboration with Percy J. Orthwein, was written and copyrighted in 1953 for Anheuser-Busch, Inc. 

     Starting with a tale of enormous generosity, this book gives the story of Anheuser-Busch from the roots of the AB company all the way up until 1953, when the book was written.  The 30 chapters of this 450 page book gives a detailed history of the company, and the Anheuser and Busch families and their traditions.  Adolphus Busch, one of the founders of Anheuser-Busch, knew that, "a good business head needed an ally in a good heart... that if you made friends, business took care of itself and ever so pleasantly."  This is the idea AB has built its business on, saying that "Making friends is our business."

     There is a plethora of information available in this book that tells the tail of a company that was in danger of failure, turned it self around becoming a small company, and eventually grew into a giant, with the worlds most famous beer.   The first chapters of the book cover the salesmanship of Adulphus Busch and the company, another covers what it was like at home with the Adulphus and his wife Lilly, with the last chapter featuring Adulphus giving the tale of his death and a tribute to his life.  The book continues telling of the war times, prohibition, and the need for the company to diversify.  Many of the other chapters cover some of the other areas AB diversified into as well as their many different ideas behind their advertising. 

     One chapter of specific interest to us here at the Antique Warehouse is chapter 29, "The Wagons Keep Things Rolling Along."  This chapter tells of the AB Vehicle Department that produced a number of different truck bodies as well as the "Bevo" and "Budweiser Boats."  The Vehicle Department was formed before prohibition started and proved to be a great way for the brewing company to stay afloat during the years they were not allowed to brew alcoholic beverages.

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