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Making Friends Is Our Business

100 Years of Anheuser-Busch


aw item number:  2009.023
author:  Roland Krebs in collaboration with Percy J. Orthwein
publisher:  Anheuser-Busch Inc., St. Louis, Missouri
ISBN:  n/a

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number of pages:  450
date manufactured:  1953 size:  7.75"L x 10.125"H x 1.25"W
status:  Library  edition:  1st Edition, Hardbound

description:  This book gives the story of Anheuser-Busch from the roots of the AB company all the way up until 1953, when the book was written. The 30 chapters of this 450 page book gives a detailed history of the company, and the Anheuser & Busch families as well as their traditions.

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