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Pevely Super Test Ice Cream

Porcelain Neon Sign



  aw item number:  2009.007
  manufacturer:  R. Tunica Elec. Co., St. Louis, Missouri
  model:  Custom

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  serial number:  n/a
color, sign:  Red, white & blue   color, neon:  No neon present
size:  66.25"L x 43.5"H x 10.5"W   composition:  Sheet metal & porcelain
acquisition date:  1/20/2009


status:  Collection

description:  A double sided porcelain neon sign.  A metal can creates the structure for each of the two porcelain face plates.

information:  This sign is originally from an East St. Louis Ice Cream Parlor.  This was the lower section of the sign, where as a "Ranch House" sign was directly above it, with the same length, making it appear to only be one sign.  When originally acquired, the "Pevely Super Test" portion of the sign was covered with a "Chapman's" porcelain sign of the same blue color.  However once the "Chapman's" panels were removed, our restoration team found this Pevely Super Test sign beneath. 

