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Vanishing America

The End of Main Street Diners, Drive-Ins, Donut Stops, and Other Everyday Monuments



  aw item number:  2008.058
  author:  Michael Eastman
  publisher:  Rizzoli, New York
  ISBN:  0-8478-3040-3

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  number of pages:  192
date manufactured:  2008   size:  9.75"L x 9.75"H x .75"W
status:  Library   edition:  Hardbound

description:  Vanishing America, the end of Main Street diners, drive-ins, donut shops, and other everyday monuments.  A unique look at all of the yesteryear buildings that made America what it is today.  While modern architecture gives a crisp and clean feeling, this photographic essay of America's past evokes a slightly different emotion.  Telling a story with hundreds of beautiful photographs, this book puts life into lifeless buildings.  St. Louisian,  Michael Eastman, author and photographer, has traveled the country many times to capture these images and keep alive America's  fading past.

