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Signs of our Time


aw item number:  1997.011
author:  John Margolies & Emily Gwathmey
publisher:  Abbebille Press, New York, New York
ISBN:  1-55859-209-1

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number of pages:  96
date published:  1993 size:  9.25"L x 9.25"H x .5"W
status:  Library edition:  Hardbound

description:  Signs of our Time, hardbound book with 96 full color pages includes hundreds of beautiful photographs and scans of old signs and advertisements.  With chapters focusing on signs from transportation, main street, food & drink, roadside attractions, and motels.

information From the books introduction: "Not to long ago, to drive the highways and byways of America was a mind-expanding voyage through wonderland.  Along side the road there flashed in staggering profusion and extraordinary assortment of commercial icons.  Flying red horses  Soaring eagles.  Cheerful bluebirds and neon flamingos.  America once was a roadside garden of earthly and exotic delights, a mind-boggling fantasyland of stupendous signs, spectacular statuary, and stunning structures."  This book highlights some of the best and most iconic of these great treasures of Americas past through both word and photography.


