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American 1 Cent Coin-Op Scale with Fortune


aw item number:  2008.015
manufacturer:  American Scale Mfg. Co., Washington D.C.
size:  16.5"L x 51"H x 26.5"W
coin denomination: 1 cent.
color:  Cream, red, black & aluminum

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composition:  Steel, iron, porcelain & glass
acquisition date:  2/14/2008 status:  Collection

description:   A coin operated penny scale with lucky slot, character and fortune reading wheel and weight measurements from 25 to 300 pounds. A heavy duty cast iron and porcelain enameled top and base with sheet metal sides. Three keys are required for complete service.

information:  This scale has a four slot coin drop that reads "Guess The Lucky Slot." The Lucky Slot will award the customer with the return of their penny after they receive their weight and fortune.


