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 Elk Copper Soda Acid Fire Extinguisher


aw item number:  2008.006
manufacturer:  Frank & St. Gemme Mfg. Co., Saint Louis, Missouri
model:  Soda Acid
serial number:  n/a

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size:  8.5"L x 23.25"H x 7"W

color:  Copper- polished composition:  Copper & brass
acquisition date:  1/25/2008

status:  Collection

description:   A beautiful copper cylinder fire extinguisher with three brass tags, indicating; The Underwriters Laboratory on the top tag, the manufacture, its city, and simple instructions on the operation of the unit on the middle tag, and the lower tag has exact instructions on making the solution to put in the extinguisher.

information:  Developed in the late 1800's, Soda Acid Fire Extinguishers consisted of a cylinder containing a soda solution and a glass bottle of acid.  This type of extinguisher has a glass container located inside the unit at the top of the cylinder.  The instructions request that the extinguisher be turned upside down.  This dump the acid into the soda solution, where a chemical reaction would take place, expelling the solution inside.


