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     Your chance to see the beautiful General Monarch is just around the corner at the 24th Annual Great Fire Engine Rally.  This event takes place on Sunday September 9th 2007, and the General Monarch Fire Engine will be on display as well as driving in the parade. 

     This event is held downtown at the corner of Tucker and Market.  The parade will begin at 10:00 AM, driving East on Market from Jefferson, until it reaches Tucker.  The rest of the days events will begin after the parade, at about 10:30 until 4:00 PM. 

     Some of the activities and events planned for the day include over 100 pieces of both new and vintage fire apparatus, Kid's Town, featuring water games, educational characters, and fire safety demonstrations.  Also, a fire fighters competition, wet area with with vintage apparatus in operation,  outdoor flea market, food, vendors, and live music. 

Click here to read last years story from the Great Fire Engine Rally, as well as see some of the trucks and happenings from the days event.

Read more about the General Monarch Fire Engine

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