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"Magic Chef Gas Ranges" Neon Sign

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aw item number:  2006.n/a
manufacturer:  Bildmore Sign Co., Lima Ohio
composition:  Metal and glass
year manufactured:  1936

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neon color:  Yellow sign with green neon
weight:  12 lbs. size:  20.5"L x 5.5"H x 9"W
acquisition date:  8/14/2006

status:  Collection

description:  A small neon sign with clear tube neon and bright neon green gas glowing inside.  A glass "window" in the center reads, "Magic Chef Gas Ranges".  Underneath the piece of glass is white plastic lettering which gives off a unique glow, allowing the words to be seen.

information:  This window sign would be hung in the window of appliance stores.  A one year warranty was included with this sign.

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