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The Hill - Its History - Its Recipes Book


aw item number:  2004.162
author:  Eleanore Berra Marfisi
publisher:  G. Bradley Publishing Company, St. Louis, Missouri
ISBN:  0-943963-96-6

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number of pages:  199
date published:  2003 size:  10.25"L x 9.25"H x .75"W
status:  Library edition:  First, hardbound with dust jacket
description:  The Hill - Its History – Its Recipes, a high quality, colorful, 199 page, hardbound book by local author Eleanore Berra Marfisi with foreword by Francis G. Slay, Mayor, City of St. Louis, Missouri. Marfisi efficiently covers the Italians migration, settlement and development of one of the most significant neighborhoods in St. Louis. Twenty-five family recipes are clearly written and photographed. In addition four legendary St. Louis Italian restaurants share over forty celebrated recipes.

information:  Marfisi’s dedication confirms the spirit of the Italian immigrant and the permanent mark they have left on St. Louis through the establishment of “The Hill” neighborhood and their recipes which have been handed down for generations.



