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St. Louis Fire Alarm Box  from 1912


aw item number:  2004.155
manufacturer:  American Foundry, St. Louis, MO
model:  FA
weight:  34.5 Lbs.

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size:  10.5”L x 15.25”H x 7.25”W

color: Red, White and Bronze year:  1912
acquisition date:  1/1/2004

status:  Collection

description:  A cast iron box with a simple slanted roof line, falling from the middle, with a simple pull to open cast iron door.  An outside number plate identified the location of this specific box.  However, this box is missing its number plate.  Raised lettering and outer decoration were painted white for added attraction.

information:  The original location for this Alarm Box is unknown due to the missing number plate.  This specific model, just the box, was made exclusively for the St. Louis Fire Department by American Foundry, but featured the inner workings of a Gamewell telegraph.

Click here to view some of the original plans for these call boxes and pedestals

