
"Fitz's Drive-In"by Wm. “Bill” Christman


aw item number:  2004.091
artist:  Wm. "Bill" Christman
number:  1/50
made:  1991

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size:  26.5" L x 20.5" H x 1.5" W
color:  Cream & Mixed Color composition:  Masonite
acquisition date:  9/11/2004

status:  Collection

description:  This limited edition and artist proof is one of fifty and the only one silk-screened on Masonite board; the rest were printed on heavy paper.

information:  Known for its “Delicious Kitchen Burgers, smooth creamy root beer, prompt curb service and a convenient location on Clayton Road in Richmond Heights,” Fitz's was at this original location from 1947 until it was shuttered in 1970. In the early 1990’s, it reappeared in the U. City loop.

