
"Frodo the Talking Weiner Dog"by Wm. “Bill” Christman


aw item number:  2004.090
artist Wm. "Bill" Christman
model:  unique original
made:  2004
composition:  Plywood, canvas & paint

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size:  42"L x 66"H x .125"W

color:  Orange & Mixed Colors weight:  10 lbs.
acquisition date:  9/10/2004

status:  Collection

description:  An original artwork, featuring “Frodo, The Celebrated Talking Wiener Dog of Bavaria."  This billboard promotes an imagined “Canine Carnival & Dog Walk" put on by the hypothetical “Animal Protective Association.”  Also promotes experts in “Dogology,” flying discs, contests of skill-strength-beauty, as well as a pet photographer.

Information: The imagined event was to be held on October 10, 2004, from 10am to 2pm, at Tilles Park at McKnight and Litzinger, St. Louis County.


