
Koken Barber Chair


aw item number:  2001.142/3/4
manufacturer:  Koken Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Missouri
color:  Black leather w/ red piping, and white porcelain enameled and  nickel castings
weight:  282 lbs.

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size:  28"L x 51"H x 43"W

acquisition date:  5/4/2001

status:  Collection

description:  This Koken barber chair has porcelain enameled base, seat frame, back and arms, which was the standard for all of the finest chairs of it's day.  It also features a one lever hydraulic lift for the ease of the barber. All of the exposed castings are nickel plated and the cushions are top grain leather with spring construction for comfort.  Red leather piping was also added to accentuate the design of the chair.  The Koken name is cast in the nickel plated foot rest and step plate.

information:  The Antique Warehouse has three identical chairs of this model on display.  All three are circa 1915 and feature an older restoration.

