Keystone Pressed Steel "Packard"

Water Tower Truck


aw item number:  1998.061
manufacturer:  Keystone Manufacturing Company, Boston, Massachusetts
model:  56
date manufactured:  1926

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size:  32.5"L x 12"H x 8.5"W

color:  Red weight:  16.25 lbs.
acquisition date:  12/31/1998

status:  Collection

description:  A large red toy fire truck with a single water tank, working pump, tall water tower capable of reaching a height of 37.5", working bell, and steering wheel. Three hand wheels for raising the tower, turning the water on/off and directing the spray.

information:  This toy fire fighting vehicle is outfitted with a water tank and hand operated water pump that is capable of a 25' stream of water. Built in 1926 with the permission of American LaFrance, one of America's best selling fire fighting apparatus companies.

