Erector No. 7 1/2

Motorized Chassis Set


aw item number:  2002.189
manufacturer:  The A.C. Gilbert Company, New Haven, Conn.
model number:  7 1/2
date manufactured:  1926

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size:  22.5"L x 5.5"H x 10.5"W

color:  Red & Black weight:  21.5 lbs.
acquisition date:  1/2/2002

status:  Collection

description:  The Sensational No. 7 ½ Motorized Erector “the set that builds the chassis”. Two layers of metal parts and truck body components neatly packaged in a wooden tool chest style box.

information:  The sheet metal fenders and hood are from the A.C. Gilbert owned Kelmet Corporation and were fashioned after White Trucks, a popular commercial vehicle from the 1920’s.

