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"Rodeo of the Soul"by Wm. "Bill" Christman

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aw item:  rodeo
artist:  Wm. "Bill" Christman
number:  One of a Kind
made:  1994

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size:  22.625" L x 28.5" H x 5.6" W
color:  Red Neon, Lt. Green frame, Blue, Yellow, Red, and White composition:  Wood, paper, and glass
acquisition date:  9/10/2005

status:  Collection

description:  A poster from Bill's solo show at the old Elliot Smith gallery, Aug. 21 - Sept. 6, 1994. The poster features a broncobuster, a "Seeker of Truth," who, from the realm of "Conventional Reality" aims to bring to saddle the "Divine Mysteries."

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