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Streamline Penny Pack 5¢ Trade Stimulator

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aw item number:  unassigned
manufacturer:  Deval
model number:  D2454

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model:  Penny Pack
original price:  $19.50 size:  10" L x 10.75" W x 9.5" H
color:  Blue, Red, Silver, and Yellow status:  Collection

description:  Small bar top trade stimulator, with patriotic colors and large payouts.  An original Rohde-Spencer catalog states, "New beautiful modernistic model - vends cigarettes and gum.  It is played with 1¢.  This machine is very finely constructed in an attractive model, and beautiful color finish."

information:  The catalog also claims, "Liberal to the player.  One cent player receives a 15¢ pack of cigarettes or as high as 10 packs, and these favorable odds increase the play tremendously on these machines everywhere.  Built with precision craftsmanship; it is fool proof and adds beauty to its surrounding in a general way.  It also vends ball of gum when player pushes plunger."

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