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Ford Chiclegum Machine


aw item number:  R2B-8 & 9
manufacturer:  Ford Gum and Machine Co., Inc., Akron, NY
model:  1¢ Vendor
serial number:  350967

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size:  7”L x 11.25“H x 7.75“W

color:  Chrome weight:  11.5 lbs.
acquisition date:  n/a

status:  Collection

description:  A formed metal body with a chrome finish, and a rounded glass globe on top.

information:  This 1950's chiclegum machine is one of the more recognizable gumball machines that Ford manufactured.  Ford moved their operations from Lockport, NY, to Akron NY.  Antique Warehouse Currently has two of this model on display.

Enes, Bill.  Silent Salesmen.  Enes Publishing, 1987.

