Universal Gum Vending Machine


aw item number:  R2A-5
manufacturer:  Universal Vendors of St. Louis.  St. Louis, MO
model:  5¢ Vendor
serial number:  8498

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size: 6.5”L x 13.75“H x 7.5“W

color: Red & black weight:   7 lbs.
acquisition date:  n/a

status:  Collection

description:  A metal body painted red and black, and a metal upper housing with windows rather than a solid glass globe.  The top is embossed with, "Universal Vendors of St. Louis, St. Louis MO."

information:  This vendor could vend a number of different items from gum to nuts depending on the type of vending wheel inside the machine.  This specific machine would vend gumballs.  Although this vendor says it is from the Universal Vendors of St. Louis, it was actually manufactured for them by the Oak Manufacturing Company, who would "private label machines for other manufactures or distributors."  The acorn on the flap is a dead give away of this.  Some of the other Universal machines have a liberty bell on the flap rather than the Oak Acorn.

Enes, Bill.  Silent Salesmen.  Enes Publishing, 1987.

