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Northwestern Packaged Gum Vendor


aw item number:  R2A-13
manufacturer:  Northwestern Corp., Morris, IL
model:  5¢ Package Gum
serial number:  12

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size:  7.5”L x 19.75“H x 10.25“W

color:  Red weight:   19.5 lbs.
acquisition date:  n/a

status:  Collection

description:  A package gum machine, with a metal base, and plastic top window.  Atop the main window is a smaller display window, showing all of the selections.

information:  This machines revolving head has five (5) selections, five (5) columns, and a total capacity of 95 packs.  This 1954 packaged gum dispenser has the same body and coin mechanism as its earlier predecessor, the 1949 model 49.

Enes, Bill.  Silent Salesmen.  Enes Publishing, 1987.

