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1926 Mack AC 700 Gallon Triple Combination Pumper, Fire Truck

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aw item number:  STL2004.005
manufacture:  Mack International Motor Truck Corporation, Allentown, Pennsylvania
serial number:  7313511

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model:  AC

 color:  F.D. Red, nickel, gold leaf and black striping

series:  Type 80
date manufactured:  04/09/1926 original price:  $5,000.00
acquisition date:  7/27/2004 status:  On Loan from Saint Louis 2004 Exposition
description:  Originally built for the City of New York however the order was cancelled and it became a Mack factory demonstrator. Floral Park Center, N.Y. purchased the truck on June 7, 1930 for $5,000.00 after a pneumatic tire conversion was completed by Firestone.

information:  A rare factory built Mack fire truck featuring a 3 1/2 ton Mack AC 168" wheel base chassis and a Hale 700 GPM pump. Fully restored and loaded with accessories including; bell, hand crank siren, lanterns, extinguishers, nozzles, hose reel and spot light.

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Restored by Nelson B. Barber, Grover Walters- painting & mechanics and Dave Mendenhall- gold leaf.

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