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1948 American LaFrance 4-85 Service Aerial


aw item number:  STL2003.001
manufacturer:  American LaFrance, Elmira, New York
model number:  4-85
serial number:  L-4211

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original price:  $27,142.50
status:  On Loan, STL 2004 size:  45'L x 9'H x 8'W

description:  American La France Model 4-85 Service Aerial with a 3 section- 85 foot steel-hydraulic ladder. 700 series cab-ahead-of-engine and 220 inch wheel-base. Equipment includes 200 feet of ground ladders, 2 flood lights and 1500 watt D.C. portable lighting generator.

information:  This truck was purchased new by the City of Hannibal, Missouri in September, 1950.