
National Store Specialty Co. Medium Fan Scale

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aw item number:  n/a
manufacturer:  National Store Specialty Co., Lancaster PA
model number:  4
serial number:  1657

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size:  16"L x 14.25"H x 11"W

color:  Pearl White w/ Silver, Blue & Red status:  Collection

description:  A medium size fan type computing scale.  The front of the scale displays the weight for the customer, while the back computes the weight into the actual cost, depending on the price of the item.  A medal scoop holds the item being weighed.  A patriotic shield adorns the back side of the scale.

information:  This medium size scale is part of a three size set.  This is the middle of the three sizes and is able to weigh items up to 4 lbs. Able to compute prices from 10 to 60 cents, with varying graduations.

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