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Completed ProjectsInternational Harvester Cub

Watch as volunteer restoration specialist Bill Wirth and Cal Weldele restore this tractor. 

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First the Cub is completely disassembled.








Then, all of the parts are stripped of their paint and sandblasted.


After sandblasting, all of the parts are quickly primed to avoid rusting.  The front of the tractor is painted its original cream color, and then buffed.


The rest of the tractor is painted its original cub yellow.




All of the components are added back to the cub including the radiator and all of the wiring.  All of the liquids that were drained are re-added as well.


The tires are removed from there rims so they can be replaced with new.  The front rims are painted, and the back rims will be powder-coated.


 The wheels are then placed on the tractor and all of the wires and exhaust system is put in place.




Nearing completion, the top cover of the tractor is added, giving it a more completed look.

The tractor is now complete.  Please click here to view all of the completed tractor images and the information page.

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