
 February 2005 Featured Item

 1959 Serro Scotty Sportsman Travel Trailer

Serro Scotty Sportsman travel Trailer

Serro Scotty Sportsman travel Trailer



     The 1959 Serro Scotty Sportsman Travel Trailer was also known as the "Silverside," due to it's polished aluminum shell.  This model is the Scotty Sportsman 13, for it's 13 foot length.  It originally sold for $795.00, and slept 4 or 5 people.  Serro began making this model trailer in 1958 and continued making it up until the mid 70's.  The 1963 models and later were painted white and turquoise on the outside, rather than the aluminum like on ours.  The Scotty trailers had a unique speckled paint on the interior cabinets, light blue paint with white and black specs.  Most manufactures used stained wood.  However, in 1972 Serro switched and started staining their cabinets.

     These trailers were built with a step down interior, to allow for more head room, which was very minimal.  Our model came with a complete kitchen, including a stove, sink, ice box and plenty of storage compartments.  It also has a dinning table that seats four, which folds into one of the beds.

     The serial number, found on the tongue of the trailer, is 59-13-0282.  This number tells us three things: first the 59 is the year it was manufactured.  Second, the 13 tells us that it is the Sportsman 13 foot model.  The third set tells us that it is the 0282 trailer of this model made. 

     The ad above is the actual ad used in 1958 and 59.  It states, "Scotty Sportsman 13.  Years ahead in design with beauty and convenience to match!  This 13 ft. model features the famous Serro step-down interior.  Low and trim, sturdy heavy duty tubular steel frame and bright aluminum exterior, permitting minimum wind resistance.  Aluminum gear-type windows can jalousie door with matching screens.  Can be stored in garage or used as spare bed."


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Serro Scotty Sportsman travel Trailer





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