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September 2006


     Another project has been completed and a new one is underway at the restoration department.  A few new items have arrived, and an entire collection of Syrup and Soda Dispensers has been added to our online collection.  Be sure to check it all out at antiquewhs.com.

     And don't forget, we are always looking for interesting and unusual items, especially porcelain neon signs.  If you have any information please contact us.

If you have any comments or suggestions please reply here


  Featured Collection     Restoration Department  

This months featured collection is our Syrup and Soda Dispensers.  Currently there are 11 Dispensers in our collection, with three different variations, Syrup, Outboard and Barrel styles.




Our restoration team has now completed the Cub Tractor and have begun working on this Clayton Cycle Co. Sign.  Also of interest are updated images of our  General Fire Truck which is being restored.


  Recent Acquisitions     Links  

This month we have three new recent acquisitions, including this vintage Magic Chef Neon Sign.  Also a Barber Pole and a Ticket Taker with Grinder Box.



If you missed checking out Greg Rhomberg's new website last month , now's your chance.  And don't forget to save  Rhombergfarms.com under your favorites.



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