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May 2006


     This past month Antique Warehouse acquired several unusual and exciting items.  We also have another entire collection cataloged in this months Featured Collection.  See our latest completed project by the Restoration Department, and check up on some of the current projects as well.  Also learn how you can participate in Preservation Week, a week long event sponsored by the Landmarks Association of St. Louis.

     We are continuing to search for neon signs for an upcoming exhibition, if you know the whereabouts of any porcelain enameled neon signs let us know.  St. Louis, Missouri was known for its vast sign manufacturing talents.  A few of the great sign manufacturers include; Carondelet Neon Sign, Crystal Electronic Sign, Day Bright Lighting, Federal Brilliant, Keller Sign, Kirn Advertising Sign, Levy Sign, Missouri Jewelite, Neon Ray Lite, R. Tunica Electric, Southern Neon Sign, Tobin Electric, Treesh Neon Sign, and Zeiser Bros. 

If you have any information please contact us

If you have any comments or suggestions please reply here


  Featured Collection     Restoration Department  

View our collection of 10  different antique miniature mannequins. They come in many different styles and fashions, from males and females, to dresses and intimate apparel.  Click the above image to learn more.




Our Restoration Department has continued on their sign restorations, as well as the cub tractor. View the recently finished Meletio's Fish sign as pictured above, and learn about all of our  other restorations by clicking above.


  Explore St. Louis     Recent Acquisitions  

Greg and Ann Rhomberg, owners of the Antique Warehouse and members of the Landmarks Association of St. Louis, encourage everyone to participate in Preservation Week, occurring May 12 through the 21, 2006.



View a few of the recent acquisitions at Antique Warehouse, including this Whizzer Pacemaker.  Other acquisitions include, a Falstaff painting and statue, as well as a Coke dispenser and Orange Crush dispenser.



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