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St. Louis Fire Alarm Box No. 3147

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aw item number:  STL2003.005
manufacturer:  American Foundry, St. Louis, MO
box number:  3147
patent date:  n/a

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size:  13.25”L x 16.25”H x 10.75”W

color: Rust Red, White and Yellow composition:  Cast Iron
acquisition date:  12/19/2003

status:  Collection

description:  Standard City of St. Louis Alarm Box with raised lettering and a box specific number. Mounted on a decorative cast iron pedestal, AW # STL2003.005A.

information:  This Alarm Box was originally located in District No. 31 at the corner of 11th Street and Soulard in St. Louis.

Click here to view some of the original plans for these call boxes and pedestals

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