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1913 Cretors Style Model C

Horse Drawn Popcorn Wagon

The AW 1913 Cretors Style Model C Horse Drawn Popcorn Wagon.

     This wagon is a faithful reproduction of an 1913 Cretors Model "C."  Originally produced at the turn of the century for use on street corners to sell popcorn.  Today, the wagon is equipped with not only a popcorn popper but also a sno-cone machine and ice box for soda or ice cream, and a number of other options for endless amounts of delicious treats.

     The original model "C" is said to be of moderate price for those who are looking into opening their own popcorn business.  From an original Cretors & Company catalog: "Those to whom price is an object, but who wish an enclosed type machine, we take pleasure in introducing Model "C," which is designed for successful operation at all seasons of the year.  Of exquisite design and finish, this machine is an ornament to any town or city.  Attractive, durable and of medium price, it has proven itself the best and most complete machine on the market for the money."

     This wagon was manufactured in 1969 by John S. Domanski of Antique Popcorn Wagon's, and has since undergone an entire down-to-the-frame restoration; in 2008.  The Antique Warehouse's own restoration specialist Calvin J. Weldele led the project with the help of a few others from the restoration team.  Click here to view images from start to finish of the restoration of this now beautiful wagon.

     The major part of this restoration was the complete removal of the old paint and the repainting of the entire wagon.  Every piece of the wagon was removed from the frame, striped of its paint and then repainted.  There were also several enhancements made to the wagon to improve its overall beauty and to better replicate the original.  An example of this would be the white gingerbread piece which surrounds the top of the wagon.  Originally this piece had five rows of holes and they were mismatched along all of their seems.  New metal strips were fabricated using a water-jet machine to cut the holes.  The new pieces are a perfect fit and match that of the original machines produced at the turn of the century.

     The restoration of this wagon not only included cosmetic enhancements, but also mechanical improvements.  This wagon originally ran off of gas, however, during the restoration process the wagon was converted to all electric, running of a 220 volt circuit.


Below are a few images of the Cretors Style Popcorn Wagon, part of the Antique Warehouse collection. Click on any of them to learn more about this beautifully restored piece.

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