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World's LongestYard Sale


     For an unforgettable experience on one of America’s most scenic highways, head to the "The World's Longest Yard Sale", officially known as the Highway 127 Corridor Sale. This unique event, which was established in 1987, occurs every first Thursday in August and continues through the following Sunday. This one of a kind sale winds through 5 states and covers 654 miles, extending from West Unity, Ohio to Gadsden, Alabama. If traveling from the St. Louis area, the closest point to the sale is Frankfort, KY.

     What makes this event so popular with the hundreds of thousands of shoppers who attend each year is the thrill of the hunt. It’s not hard for the trained eye to find many interesting antiques and collectibles. This year, hundreds of coke machines, coolers, advertising signs and other highly sought after collectibles were spotted.  At first glance, a sale may look like your typical yard sale merchandise but don’t be fooled. There are treasures to be found!

     As you wind through the Cumberland Plateau, don’t expect to cover more than 125 miles a day. Traffic can be heavy in some spots where the larger sales are found.  They are usually located in a farmer’s field or a church parking lot some containing literally hundreds of vendors. These large sales offer food, beverages, music and even bathrooms if you’re lucky. Some sales are set up to allow cars to drive through. This is a big plus as the day wears on and the sun and walking take their toll. If you’re interested in selling items, it’s as easy as pulling up to any large sale and paying a nominal fee for a space. Customers don’t have to look far to find some of the best southern BBQ and other regional favorites for sale at the bigger sales. The locals can give great advice about where to find the best food.

Insider tips:

     Hotel/motel reservations must be made prior to the sale or be prepared to sleep in your car as thousands of people do. Avoid looking for lodging in Crossville, TN, the heart of the sale. Motels typically double their rates during this event. Traveling 15 miles off the highway is worth it to find regular rates at nice hotels/motels. Be sure to bring plenty of small bills, comfortable shoes, your own cooler of refreshments and sunscreen.

See http://www.127sale.com/ for details about this fabulous event.

NOTE: The event can be seen on HGTV on October 12, 2009.

Click here for an image gallery of the sale

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