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Model T Club41st Annual Swap Meet & Car Sale


Sunday, April 26, 2009

41st Annual Model T Ford Club of Greater St. Louis Inc.  Swap Meet and Car Sale at Gateway International Raceway.  The event will be held from 6 am to 4 pm. 

For more information on this event, please contact
the Model T Club Hotline @ 314-830-0873 or www.stlmodeltclub.org 

     The Model T Ford Club of America was formed to encourage and promote active interest in the Model T  Ford and its history by membership unrestricted as to location.  It is a non-profit and non-discriminatory, and is dedicated to widening the base of the hobby by providing information, assistance, and direction to interested parties.  Active touring chapters are encouraged, in order, to spread interest and participation affairs.  Regional and national activities are provided by the chapters.  Members of the MTFCA may be members of the Model T Ford Club of Greater St. Louis with no additional dues or payments.

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