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William Griffin’s “Recent Paintings”

@ Bruno Gallery

     Everyone that has ever attended the Veiled Prophet Parade in the last 20 years or so knows the work of William Griffin. When it comes to parade floats Griffin knows about impact and the practicality of getting the job done. I invite you to see the intimate side of Griffin this month at Bruno David Gallery in Grand Center. There you will experience paintings from his latest works, a collection called “Recent Paintings”. Black and white images come alive with expression and emotion in theses oversized creations. Now though October 25, 2008.

     Special Late Night Event October 24, meet the Artist from 6p.m. to 9p.m.  (While in the neighborhood be sure to visit Old Masters at the Pulitzer that same evening;   www.pulitzerarts.org)


William Griffin’s “Recent Paintings”

at Bruno David Gallery

3721 Washington Avenue

in Grand Center

Saint Louis, Missouri 63108



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