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Phil's Bar-B-Q Double Sided Neon Sign



  aw item number:  2008.099
  manufacturer:  Federal Brilliant
  model:  Phil's Bar-B-Q

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  serial number:  FB4
color, sign:  Red, cream, yellow, blue & brown   color, neon:  Neon
size:  104"L x 93"H x 10.5"W   composition:  Steel, porcelain enamel and glass tubing
acquisition date:  10/11/2008


status:  Collection

description:  Phil's Bar-B-Q, originally the Stumble Inn, porcelain double sided neon sign. The original porcelain is a pig wearing a chef's hat with the initials S.I. which make up the top part of the two part sign. The bottom section has BAR-B-Q and STUMBLE INN.

information:  The sign was next painted over as a Chef with "PHIL" on the hat. Lastly repainted back to the original pig design although it retained the name PHIL on the hat. The Stumble Inn opened in 1958 at the current Phil's location at 9205 Gravois Road in Affton, Missouri. On October 11, 2008 a drunk driver crashed into the sign post and destroyed the posts and mangled the metal can. Somehow the sign faces survived quite nicely.

