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Prescriptions - Neon Sign with Metal Can


aw item number:  2008.005
size:  36"L x 7.25"H x 6"W
weight: 22 lbs.
color:  Black box w/ neon tube

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composition:  Sheet metal & glass
acquisition date:  1/14/2008 status:  Collection

description:   A simple sheet metal box houses the transformer and wiring. Masonite provides the face for this red neon "PRESCRIPTIONS" sign. A metal flange on the front of the cabinet protects the neon tubing from damage when it is hung against a window.

information:  Originally from a corner drug store at 8th and Russell Boulevard, located in the Soulard neighborhood, St. Louis, Missouri. Spring of 1974 Jim May from Purple Cow Antiques purchased the sign from the store owner on the last day of business after 70 years.

