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The Great St. Louis AdventureLonnie Tettaton

     In the past 60 years, St. Louis has gone through many changes.  Streetcars are gone; all the neighborhood theaters have closed.  All the little mom and pop corner confectionaries and bakeries are gone too.  Numerous restaurants have closed their doors.

     However, downtown St. Louis is on its way to a promising recovery with the new stadium and re-development of Washington Avenue and new housing all around downtown.  Thanks to the development of Laclede's Landing and Tom Percel there is still and entertainment area in downtown St. Louis.  With neighborhood groups promoting new housing such as North Mraket Place, it is the beginning of the great St. Louis Renaissance.

     This premier issue of The Great St. Louis Adventure looks back at the history of St. Louis and remembers all of the "good times."  The first annual issue of many to come, this book identifies the author, Lonnie Tettaton, giving his story of St. Louis and why he is qualified to publish such a book, giving his background as a St. Louis historian.  Future issues of the Great St. Louis Adventure will feature interesting St. Louis figures and their adventures and successes.

     If you are interested in The Great St. Louis Adventure, visit your local St. Louis bookstore for a copy.

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