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Kochs Salesman Sample

Miniature Barber Chair


aw item number:  2007.176
manufacturer:  Theo. A. Kochs, Chicago, Illinois
serial number:  2888
model:  Salesman Sample
color:  White, black & nickle

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weight:  19 lbs.

size:  9.25"L x 15.5"H x 14"W

acquisition date:  8/4/2007

status:  Collection

description:  This beautiful salesman sample chair features full leather cushion seat and head rest with spring construction.  The iron castings are porcelain enameled for durability and beauty.  These surfaces include the arm rests, base and seat base.  Other features include, full recline, adjustable foot rest, and all exposed metal is nickel plated.  Despite being a salesman sample, no detail is forgotten, even having the Theo. A. Kochs logo is cast in the nickel plated step plate.

information:  This salesman sample would be a welcome addition to any traveling salesman's business proposal, seeing as how any full size barber chair of its type would easily outweigh the average salesman by a hundred pounds.

